In the early 2000s, there was great expectation that stem cells could be the solution for treating incurable diseases and restoring tissues and organs lost accidentally or through degeneration. This view has changed over time, and we now have a better understanding of their potential and limitations.
In Brazil, several research groups that study different aspects of stem cells, from biology to potential therapeutic use, are organized into networks of research laboratories, such as FAPESP CEPIDs and CNPq INCTs. These networks promote the national and international interactions and collaborations necessary to advance basic stem cell research and application.
With the FAPESP / May Rubião SPSAS on Stem Cell Biology, we intend to make a qualitative leap in bringing together national and international scientists to promote stem cell research among graduate students and young researchers. The goal of this program is to encourage more interest in and research on stem cells so that Brazilian scientists can continue to play a significant global role in advancing the science and closing the gap between fundamental and applied research focused on stem cell therapy and tissue bioengineering.
The partnership that we established with the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) to carry out the SPSAS on Stem Cell Biology and the course-ending international symposium shows that Brazil has great potential for development in the field.
More information: https://www.sbbc.org.br/spsas-stemcellbiology/
Nossa Missão
A Associação Brasileira de Terapia Celular e Gênica (ABTCel-Gen) tem por missão promover, incentivar e difundir pesquisas relativas à terapia celular e gênica e bioengenharia, sugerindo medidas cuja finalidade seja a de maximizar os estudos e intercâmbio nestas áreas do conhecimento científico junto a profissionais de instituições públicas e privadas, nacionais e internacionais, sempre mantendo os aspectos éticos e divulgando os novos conhecimentos técnico-científicos adquiridos.
Diretoria da ABTCEL-GEN